Do you feel down, irritable, sad, or just blah? Do you struggle to focus or find anything meaningful? Are you sleeping too much or too little? All of these are symptoms of depression. Counseling can help by talking through these issues and finding ways to regain hope.

Are you worried, stressed, or irritable for “no good reason?” Do you lay awake at night because your mind won’t shut off? Do you feel overwhelmed, feel your heart pounding or does something minor cause a meltdown? You could be experiencing anxiety. Counseling can provide you with coping skills to help.

Are you worried, stressed, or irritable for “no good reason?” Do you lay awake at night because your mind won’t shut off? Do you feel overwhelmed, feel your heart pounding or does something minor cause a meltdown? You could be experiencing anxiety. Counseling can provide you with coping skills to help.

Life is stressful! Job, relationships, kids, demands from all over the place…sometimes you just need a breather. Counseling can help give you tools to relax and find ways to better balance your busy lifestyle.

It is always difficult to lose someone close to you, or to experience change of any kind. People often ask what’s the “normal” way to grieve and when they can expect to be “over it.” Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. There isn’t a formula to follow and everyone grieves differently.

Relationships are hard. Counseling can help by meeting with a neutral party, learning better communication skills and trying to understand your partner better. Foundations Counseling sees couples of all gender makeups and whether you’ve been together four weeks or forty years.

At some point in our lives, most of us will live through a terrifying event. It could be a car accident, a natural disaster, a medical emergency, a fire or perhaps a trauma inflicted by another person in the form of assault, abuse, military combat, or even being robbed. Trauma can also come from seeing another person be seriously hurt or killed, the loss of a child, a child’s illness, or learning about something awful that happened to a person we love.

Are you a teen struggling with life’s issues? Being a teenager can be very hard, and sometimes it can be good to talk with an objective and nonjudgmental adult about whatever might be bothering you—stress, self-esteem, social anxiety, depression, self-harm, etc. Therapy can give you a place to vent and empower you with tools to help you grow in a positive way.

Change is hard! Even good change can be difficult to adjust to. Whether you are a young adult transitioning to fully “adulting,” recovering from divorce or loss, you’re a recent empty nester, or you’re on the verge of retirement, therapy can be beneficial as a place to talk through these transitions and develop a plan to live your best life.

ADHD can impact your life in a number of ways–some are positive, some are challenging. Therapy can help you better manage your ADHD symptoms, give you more accountability, and create plans and solutions to harness your ADHD and use it to your benefit!

Physical pain can take an enormous toll on our mental health. Chronic pain increases the likelihood of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Therapy can be a place not only to talk about and process the pain, but also learn mindfulness skills, meditation, and other tools that can help alleviate your physical symptoms.

Reproductive and fertility issues can be extremely difficult and can lead to increased depression, anxiety, grief, and isolation. Therapy can be a helpful place of support and where you can learn skills and tools to better manage the roller coaster of emotions that come with these issues.

Therapy can be a huge piece of the puzzle in the addiction recovery process. Foundations Counseling has clinicians on staff who specialize in addiction issues. They can help you identify problem areas, create a plan of holistic healing, and provide another layer of accountability.

Navigating our world when you are part of the LGBTQ+ population can be extremely challenging with its own unique set of stressors. Foundations Counseling is an open and affirming practice that can help you process issues regarding your sexuality, navigate difficult relationships, and process other issues that arise as a result, such as depression, anxiety, stress, or loneliness.

Spirituality and health are connected. Just as physical wellness describes health in the body, spiritual wellness describes health in the spirit. It is actually quite common to have questions about your faith. In fact, wrestling with faith will help make your beliefs stronger and even more meaningful.

Encounters of racism, ethnic discrimination, and racial bias can have a profound impact on your mental health and well being. Foundations Counseling recognizes racial trauma as trauma that is similar to PTSD, and has counselors on staff who can help you process this. Therapy can be a place of support and your therapist will work with you to manage your trauma symptoms and find a path toward healing.